Tuesday, 14 January 2014

It's the New Year.

So, 2013 turned out to be a brilliant and busy year. There were interviews with Aussie magazines and music blogs. I spoke to writing students at BCU and Halesowen College about writing and crafting your first novel. And I was lucky enough be asked to submit an extract from 27 and  write an article on one of my literary heroes, Denis Johnson. Not only that, but I had a story, "Sugar Crash"  published in an anthology "The Sea in Birmingham". It was to celebrate 30 years of Tindal Street Writing Group and the launch was held at The New Birmingham Library.  Incidentally, the first run has already sold out.

2014 looks as if it will be like last year, and then some. I shall be on 107.5 Switch Radio, 30th January, to talk about 27 and the other projects I’m currently involved in. I'll also be talking to several book groups that have had 27 as their book of the month.

Thanks for buying 27, and the great feedback that I've been getting via e-mail and at talks has been extremely gratifying. Please check out the 27 book site  for more  news, updates on 27 and new projects. See you soon.